I'm sitting on my butt, reading Facebook and thinking about doing the exercises that my Osteopath has given me, when
Rachel pops up in "chat" for a blether. She complains about my lack of blogging and, in another context describes me as "inspirational"!!!
I inspire?
Oh, well.
Even Mairi has complained I haven't been blogging. And that from the lady who complains about me sitting with my head in my laptop all the time. (She's sitting opposite me now so if this post ends suddenly......
I'd better fulfil my role then. This blog was set up as the bit on the top says to record my views on running, coaching and life in general. I've pretty much given up coaching, haven't done any jog leading since the WHW race due to my being unable to put on foot in front of the other in the required manner, and life in general is pretty bloody grim, not being able to run. I've only managed a few "runs" since the race and each led to a further period of not running due to new niggles, pains and incapacity. So this is a post about not running!
I thought tapering was a pain in the posterior, but not being able to run at all is a damn sight worse. Most of the time I'm fine. As before the first run after my blisters healed I have no pain at all, other than the slight discomfort in my sacro-illiac joint that has been present for about 10 years. I want to run and regularly get my trainers on and set off only to realise my leg muscles can't actually function at speeds above say, four miles an hour. Walking poles? A zimmer is what I need!
Several aborted attempts at a run did end in pain. I've been aqua-jogging. Borrrrrrrrrr - ing.
But I do it because I know it works. I'm getting good at it too. I actually sweat in a pool! Then one Thursday I go to the pool in the morning. Feel great and -
"I know!! I can go for a run tonight!" Down to the club I go and set off with the pack. Honest, I intended staying with the (absent on holiday) JR's group. All ladies - who stop for a blether with a former member. In the pub car park. 25 yards from the start of the run. I keep going. And find my self loping along at the front of the main pack with Big Ed who is just back from a looonnggg stint underwater with the underwater air-force. And who wants a short easy run before the Great Scottish run on Sunday; that he's trained for an hour at a time on the underwater gym's treadmill. (Could we power the sub on Neal's and Ed's running?)
When the rest of the pack carry on to the Arden Roundabout and beyond, the big guy and I turn off at Cameron House where we try and spot some of the Scotland players who are resident whilst preparing(?) for the Macedonia and Holland games. Big Ed needs a Paula so I slow to a walk while he waters the trees and when I start again......... I have a knee pain and have to jog/walk back to the club.
That was my last effort and a couple of weeks ago decided that I needed to blow the household budget and seek the skills of an osteopath. I've now had three sessions and surprisingly, given the horrendous stories of these guys treating their customers as cash cows,he reckons I'm making good progress and we are already looking to reduce the times between consultations. His thoughts are that I have at least three major muscle groups in my back that have pretty much seized up and,together, have affected my skeletal system so much that my pelvis has tilted, restricting the range of movement in my legs and was well on the way to serious breakdown. Every time I tried to run I was exacerbating the problem. No go-ahead to run again yet so I've resisted the opportunity to give it a wee try-oot. It's hard though.
I've being going to the club whenever I can, to post entry forms and fliers that have come in and last night for a committee meeting. They've given up asking when I'm getting back to training and replaced that with "Jeez, you're putting the weight on". And it shows. My troosers are tight, my shirts are bulging over my belly and my local sweetie shop is thinking of floating on the stock exchange due to the sudden increase in profits.
Mind you I'm now the proud owner of a new Nikon D5000 DSLR camera! And it worked well on
Sunday at the club Horseshoe handicap race. Thanks Aviva!